Saturday, January 6, 2007

Sacred Heart new Blog

We have often heard from people who either currently are, or have been connected with Church of the Sacred Heart, have moved away, and would like to stay connected in some way. Even though we are not as technologically savvy as most of you, we are finally embracing this mode of communication! It has come to our attention that many "Sacred Hearters" ( which, from this point on will refer to anyone who is currently or was formerly part of our community and moved away) have blogs and keep in touch through these blogs. We realized this may be one of the best ways we can stay connected and even maintain a certain sense of community with those who no longer live near to our church. This, in itself would be a great topic of discussion: can you have genuine "community" through electronic means - or does it require face to face contact?

Anyway, this is totally new and we have not yet fully thought through the purpose and what it will look like. But, we are open to comments, thoughts, input, etc. What we do know is that we often hear that people found something unique in being part of Sacred Heart and miss it. Maybe this is a way to address some of that. We certainly miss many of the people who have moved on, and would love to keep in touch.

Let's see where this goes....

Peace of Christ to you.

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