Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Church Summer Schedule

We will not be holding church services throughout the summer. Most current "Sacred Hearters" will be away most of the summer, so we get the summer off! There will be services resuming in the fall, which we will post closer to that time.

In the meantime, we will be getting together a couple times over the summer to stay connected. We'll be having a potluck and BBQ at our house on July 19. If you'd like to come, drop us an email at dparkin@xplornet.com for details.

Our blog has been neglected the past while for two reasons - our digital camera seems to have died, and we've succumbed to the social pressure to join facebook :-) We will still post important updates.

Still looking for homes for kittens.......

Monday, June 4, 2007

Kittens to Give Away!

We are still hoping to find good homes for our three litters of kittens. They are already doing well with being litter trained. The first litter, which was born just after Easter is now weaned.

The one to the left has the funniest mustache, which is cute since it's female. We are tempted to call her Adolph, but just can't let ourselves do that. Darrin has taken to calling her Gustave. They are very playful and the kids have made sure that they are used to people. (OK so maybe Darrin and I had something to do with that as well.) One of the little black and white ones fell asleep on Darrin's shoulder the other night. Anyway - please ask people you know if they would like a new pet and let us know if there are any takers. Thank you!

Also - Brett and Sierra had their spring concert at their school on Friday. Sierra was in the choir and her class did an excellent job singing part of the "Treasure Island" story. It is hard to find her, but she is in the front row, just to the right of her teacher (in the black suit) and she is wearing a blue and white striped shirt.
This is Brett as Long John Silver. His class acted out the story of Treasure Island and Sierra's class (as well as several other classes) sang. It was a great production and I was so proud of them both! You'll have to ask Brett to do his pirate accent for you sometime.