Monday, April 16, 2007

So much to tell.....

Happy Belated Easter from the Parkin Family! This was taken the day before Easter at my (Lisa's) parents home where we gathered for Easter dinner.

My parents have 16 grandchildren (and one on the way - my sister-in-law Lana is expecting on Sierra's birthday - May 8th!). So, it was a busy household that day. Here is a photo of "Uncle D" (as my neices and nephews call Darrin) catching our neice Sadie. Uncle D was the main attraction for the youngest ones....

... As I mentioned in my last post, we were gone the week after Easter on a trip for Darrin's work as Senior Provincial Chaplain. I didn't get a chance to post a blog entry before we left, but I did want to say something about Easter Sunday at Sacred Heart. We were able to join our service with the congregation we share our building with, Streets Alive. Although our two congegrations have different styles and personalities, we had a great time together! Streets Alive suggested we do our regular liturgy, as they were joining us at our regular time of 10:00 a.m. Darrin preached the sermon and we had our usual Communion service. The music was a collaboration of Arlene from our congregation and a group of musicians from Streets Alive. That went very well - they sounded great!

The day after Easter we left for a trip to Edmonton, Peace River, and Red Deer for Darrin's job (see the previous post for more details). We had a great week away! We came home to a brand new litter of kittens from our cat Sharky. If you read my previous post, you will know that we had a dramatic delivery of the last kitten in our house after we thought she was done giving birth. If you are squeamish, don't look at the next picture. But, for the brave - here is the last kitten born on our bedroom carpet minutes after it came into the world:

Here is the rest of the litter, shortly after their birth.
Any takers for some free, adorable kittens?
One more item to note:
We had the most beautiful rainbow over the farm where we live yesterday:
Can you see why we LOVE living there?

1 comment:

Hannah Mackay said...

Wow, I love the kittens...what an entrance to the world! I didn't realise that you guys had cats. I love the pictures of the rainbow they're so guys live in in such a great place. Wishing you belated Easter greetings.