Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Colour Purple

Sometimes we are asked why we use different colours during different seasons to decorate the altar. Here is a quick explanation of why we use purple during the season of Lent:

In ancient times, purple dye was very expensive, so purple came to signify wealth, power, and royalty. Therefore purple is the colour for the seasons of Advent and Lent, which celebrate the coming of the King. Since as Christians we prepare for our King through reflection and repentance, purple has also become a penitential color. As a result, most liturgical churches (churches that use a standard liturgy or order of service, such as Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran, etc.) will use the same colours and celebrate these liturgical seasons in similar ways. These traditions reach far back in terms of church history.
In regard to the tradition of repentance during Lent, Darrin shared an interesting "twist" on this during his sermon today. He encouraged us to think of repenting, not so much in terms of what we have done wrong or failed to do (although that is important too). Instead, he talked about repenting of not being open to the many ways God tries to bless us - all the times we miss His blessings because we are too wrapped up in our own stuff or not open minded enough to even see what God might be doing in our lives. Food for thought...

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