Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Cat Came Back!

Here is a photo of two of our cats, Oliver (the orange one) and Jetta (the black one). This photo was taken this morning after Oliver survived a very traumatic experience. We realized we had not seen Oliver for a few days and were surprised when he didn't come at feeding time. We were concerned - but it IS spring, and he is male.... To make a long story shorter, we discovered that poor Oliver was trapped on top of a power pole exactly like this one:
This is the pole directly in front of our house - Oliver was on one just a little farther down the field. We are not sure how long he was up there - but it could have been up to five days. Our whole family spent a good hour last night at the bottom of that pole doing everything we could to coax him down. We even nailed an open tin of tuna to the pole. We called Fortis and they advised us not to try to get him down because he was too close to the power lines and it is extremely dangerous. Apparently people have died trying to get cats off power poles. So, after our long and unsuccessful attempt to get him down last night we gave up with broken hearts. Poor Sierra sobbed and sobbed. All we could do was hope that he would get desperate enough to get himself down.

Then..... this morning when I let the other cats in to be fed - there he was! We don't know how he got down, but we are grateful he did! The kids sure prayed that he would. He is perfectly fine, although he has lost a lot of weight. He ate a lot this morning, and we spoiled him by letting him stay in the house today. Poor thing was exhausted and hungry.

He is our Super Cat - able to leap from tall power poles in a single bound....
Who knows what other super powers lurk underneath the surface of this ordinary-looking animal? Time will tell.....

1 comment:

tman said...

Ha ha... Good story...